深圳市科視創科技有限公司成立于2010年,是國家高新技術企業,隸屬于機器人行業,是專業從事機器視覺系統研究與開發的系統集成商,為客戶提供智能制造方案和服務;致力于打造系統集成 非標定制 軟件開發三位一體的整體自動化解決方案,擁有多項機器視覺核心自主知識產權;公司研發的機器視覺自動化檢測設備具有精度高、定位準、非接觸、高效穩定的特點,可替代人眼檢測,服務的產業遍及電子、新能源、汽車、食品、包裝、印刷等現代工業生產領域。
Our team consists of a group of senior visual field of engineering and technical personnel, has a rich visual and visual equipment project development experience. There are many successful cases in the new energy, lithium batteries, backlight screen, mobile phone manufacturing and printing industry, especially in the flaw detection and visual positioning, successfully developed many visual automatic detection equipment and visual projects, accumulated rich experience, advanced vision provides intelligent solutions for customers, to help customers improve efficiency and production quality, but also help customers gradually completed the production automation, standardization, intelligent upgrade.